Library examples.sysf.strnorm
Require Import List.
Require Import Program.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Heq.
Require Import sysf.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Require Import Program.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Heq.
Require Import sysf.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Projection functions
Definition proj2m (A B C : Prop) (p: A /\ B /\ C) : B := proj1(proj2 p).
Definition proj3 (A B C : Prop) (p: A /\ B /\ C) : C := proj2(proj2 p).
Definition proj3m (A B C D : Prop) (p: A /\ B /\ C /\ D) : C := proj1(proj2(proj2 p)).
Definition proj4 (A B C D : Prop) (p: A /\ B /\ C /\ D) : D := proj2(proj2(proj2 p)).
Definition proj4m (A B C D E : Prop) (p: A /\ B /\ C /\ D /\ E) : D := proj1(proj2(proj2(proj2 p))).
Definition proj5 (A B C D E : Prop) (p: A /\ B /\ C /\ D /\ E) : E := proj2(proj2(proj2(proj2 p))).
Iff implies Eq
Require Import Ensembles.
Lemma iff_implies_eq: forall (P Q:Prop), (P <-> Q) -> P = Q.
set (prop_ens := fun (P:Prop) => fun (_:unit) => P).
assert (prop_ens P = prop_ens Q).
apply Extensionality_Ensembles.
split; unfold Included, In, prop_ens; intuition.
change (prop_ens P tt = prop_ens Q tt). rewrite H0. auto.
Lemma eq_implies_iff: forall (P Q:Prop), P = Q -> (P <-> Q).
intros. subst. intuition.
Lemma iff_implies_eq: forall (P Q:Prop), (P <-> Q) -> P = Q.
set (prop_ens := fun (P:Prop) => fun (_:unit) => P).
assert (prop_ens P = prop_ens Q).
apply Extensionality_Ensembles.
split; unfold Included, In, prop_ens; intuition.
change (prop_ens P tt = prop_ens Q tt). rewrite H0. auto.
Lemma eq_implies_iff: forall (P Q:Prop), P = Q -> (P <-> Q).
intros. subst. intuition.
Definition convertC: forall u (env:Env u) ty ty',
(subE [|ty'|] (subE shsub env) , subTy [|ty'|] ty) = (env , subTy [|ty'|] ty).
intros. rewrite subE_ss, consmap_shsub, subE_idsub. auto.
Implicit Arguments convertC [u env ty ty'].
Reserved Notation "e ~> e'" (at level 70, no associativity).
Inductive convert: forall u (env:Env u) ty, Exp env ty -> Exp env ty -> Prop :=
| c_app : forall u (env:Env u) ty ty' (e: Exp (ty'::env) ty) d,
APP (LAM e) d ~> SubExp {| d |} e
| c_tapp : forall u (env:Env u) ty ty' (e: Exp (subE shsub env) ty),
TAPP (TABS e) ty' ~> (<< SExp,PExp # convertC >> subExp [| ty' |] e)
| c_cong_lam : forall u (env:Env u) ty ty' (e e': Exp (ty'::env) ty),
e ~> e' -> LAM e ~> LAM e'
| c_cong_app_1 : forall u (env:Env u) ty ty' (e e': Exp env (ty'--->ty)) d,
e ~> e' -> APP e d ~> APP e' d
| c_cong_app_2 : forall u (env:Env u) ty ty' (e : Exp env (ty'--->ty)) d d',
d ~> d' -> APP e d ~> APP e d'
| c_cong_tabs : forall u (env:Env u) ty (e e': Exp (subE shsub env) ty),
e ~> e' -> TABS e ~> TABS e'
| c_cong_tapp : forall u (env:Env u) ty ty' (e e': Exp env (ALL ty)),
e ~> e' -> TAPP e ty' ~> TAPP e' ty'
where "e ~> e'" := (convert e e').
Inductive SN u (env: Env u) ty: Exp env ty -> Prop :=
| sn_next: forall e, (forall e', e ~> e' -> SN e') -> SN e.
Definition normal u (env: Env u) ty (e: Exp env ty) : Prop :=
forall e', ~ (e ~> e').
Definition neutral u (env: Env u) ty (e: Exp env ty) : Prop :=
match e with
| VAR _ _ => True
| APP _ _ _ _ => True
| TAPP _ _ _ => True
| _ => False
Lemma convert_sub: forall u w (env : Env u) ty (s: subT u w) (e e': Exp env ty),
e ~> e' -> subExp s e ~> subExp s e'.
intros. revert w s. induction H; intros; simpl.
eapply eq_ind. apply c_app. rewrite subExp_SubExp, subSub_consMap, subSub_idSub. auto.
rewrite (Hrf SExp PExp (subExp s _)). Hsimpl.
ST_fold. Helimc C2.
intros. eapply eq_ind. apply c_tapp.
apply (Heq_eq SExp PExp). Hsimpl. do 2 Helimc.
repeat rewrite (Hrw (subExp_ss _ _ _)). Hsimpl. rewrite sub_singsub. auto.
apply c_cong_lam. apply IHconvert.
apply c_cong_app_1. apply IHconvert.
apply c_cong_app_2. apply IHconvert.
apply c_cong_tabs. Hsimplc. apply IHconvert.
Hsimplc. apply c_cong_tapp. apply IHconvert.
Lemma convert_subst: forall u (env env': Env u) ty (Sub: SubT env env') (e e': Exp env ty),
e ~> e' -> SubExp Sub e ~> SubExp Sub e'.
intros. revert env' Sub. induction H; intros; simpl.
eapply eq_ind. apply c_app. rewrite SubExp_SS, SubExp_SS, Sub_singSub. auto.
eapply eq_ind. apply c_tapp. apply (Heq_eq SExp PExp).
rewrite subExp_SubExp. ST_fold. rewrite (Hrw (subSub_ss _ _ _)). Hsimpl.
rewrite consmap_shsub. Hrewrite (subSub_idsub Sub). Hsimpl.
Hrefl (Sub : SSub PSub) at 2. Helimc C0.
Helimc C2. Hunify. auto.
apply c_cong_lam. apply IHconvert.
apply c_cong_app_1. apply IHconvert.
apply c_cong_app_2. apply IHconvert.
apply c_cong_tabs. apply IHconvert.
apply c_cong_tapp. apply IHconvert.
SN by simulation
Definition Pred (A: Type) := A -> Prop.
Definition Rel (A B: Type) := A -> B -> Prop.
Definition simulation u (env: Env u) ty u' (env': Env u') ty'
(R: Rel (Exp env ty) (Exp env' ty')) : Prop :=
forall d e, R d e -> forall d', d ~> d' -> exists e', e ~> e' /\ R d' e'.
Lemma SN_by_simulation: forall u (env: Env u) ty u' (env': Env u') ty' (R: Rel (Exp env ty) (Exp env' ty')) d e,
simulation R -> R d e -> SN e -> SN d.
intros. revert d H0. induction H1.
intros. apply sn_next; intros d' ?.
destruct (H _ _ H2 _ H3) as [e' [? ?]].
eapply H1. apply H4. assumption.
Lemma SN_sub: forall u w env ty (s: subT u w) (tm: Exp env ty),
SN (subExp s tm) -> SN tm.
set (SN_sub_rel := fun (e1: Exp env ty) e2 => e2 = subExp s e1).
assert (simulation SN_sub_rel).
red; intros. unfold SN_sub_rel in H0. subst. unfold SN_sub_rel. exists (subExp s d'). split; auto.
apply convert_sub. auto.
eapply (SN_by_simulation H0); [idtac | apply H]. unfold SN_sub_rel. auto.
Lemma SN_subst: forall u (env env': Env u) ty (sub: SubT env env') (e: Exp env ty),
SN (SubExp sub e) -> SN e.
intros. set (SN_subst_rel := fun (e1: Exp env ty) e2 => e2 = SubExp sub e1).
assert (simulation SN_subst_rel).
red; intros. unfold SN_subst_rel in H0. subst. unfold SN_subst_rel. exists (SubExp sub d'). split; auto.
apply convert_subst. auto.
eapply (SN_by_simulation H0); [idtac | apply H]. unfold SN_subst_rel. auto.
Lemma SN_convert: forall u env ty (tm: @Exp u env ty) tm', tm ~> tm' -> SN tm -> SN tm'.
intros. destruct H0. apply H0. auto.
RC: reducibility candidates
Definition UnivVar u (env: Env u) := VarT env (ALL (TYVAR zVAR)).
Definition PredExp u (ty: Ty u) := forall env, UnivVar env -> Pred (Exp env ty).
Definition CR1 u (ty:Ty u) (R: PredExp ty) : Prop :=
forall env uv e, R env uv e -> SN e.
Definition CR2 u (ty:Ty u) (R: PredExp ty) : Prop :=
forall env uv e e', R env uv e -> e ~> e' -> R env uv e'.
Definition CR3 u (ty:Ty u) (R: PredExp ty) : Prop :=
forall env uv e, neutral e -> (forall e', e ~> e' -> R env uv e') -> R env uv e.
Definition CR u (ty:Ty u) (R: PredExp ty) : Prop :=
CR1 R /\ CR2 R /\ CR3 R.
Lemma CR4: forall u (ty:Ty u) (R: PredExp ty) env uv e,
CR R -> neutral e -> normal e -> R env uv e.
intros. red in H; destr_pairs. apply H3; auto.
intros. absurd False; auto. apply (H1 e'). auto.
Definition SNRC u (ty: Ty u) : PredExp ty := fun env uv => fun e => SN e.
Lemma SNRC_is_CR: forall u (ty: Ty u), CR (SNRC (ty:=ty)).
split. red; intros. apply H.
split. red; intros. destruct H. apply H. auto.
red; intros. apply sn_next. intros. eapply H0. auto.
Lemma SN_APP_1: forall u (env: Env u) ty1 ty2 (e: Exp env (ty1--->ty2)) d,
SN (APP e d) -> SN e.
intros. set (SN_APP_rel := fun e1 e2 => e2 = APP (e1:Exp _ (_--->ty2)) d).
assert (simulation SN_APP_rel).
red; intros. unfold SN_APP_rel in H0. subst. unfold SN_APP_rel. exists (APP d' d). split; auto.
apply c_cong_app_1. auto.
eapply (SN_by_simulation H0); [idtac | apply H]. unfold SN_APP_rel. auto.
Definition RC_arrow u (ty1 ty2:Ty u) (R: PredExp ty1) (S: PredExp ty2) : PredExp (ty1 ---> ty2) :=
fun env uv e => forall e', R env uv e' -> S env uv (APP e e').
Lemma RC_arrow_is_CR: forall u (ty1 ty2:Ty u) (R: PredExp ty1) (S: PredExp ty2),
CR R -> CR S -> CR (RC_arrow R S).
intros. red in H, H0; destr_pairs.
red; intros. apply SN_APP_1 with (TAPP (VAR uv) ty1). apply H0 with uv. apply H5.
apply CR4. split; auto. simpl; auto.
do 2 red; intros. dependent destruction H6. inversion H6.
do 2 red; intros. apply H2; simpl; auto. intros. apply H1 with (APP e' e'0).
eapply H1. apply H5. apply H7. apply c_cong_app_1. auto. auto.
do 2 red; intros.
assertD (H _ _ _ H7). induction H8.
apply H2. simpl; auto.
intros. dependent destruction H10.
inversion H5.
apply H6. auto. auto.
apply H9. auto. eapply H3. apply H7. auto.
Definition PredExpList u w (U: subT u w) := forall (X: varT u), PredExp (U X).
Definition SPredExpList u w U := @PredExpList u w U.
Notation PPredExpList := (_) (only parsing).
Implicit Arguments SPredExpList [[u] [w]].
Definition varsp u (v: varT u) : varT (S (pred u)) :=
match u as p return (varT p -> varT (S (pred p))) with
| 0 => fun _ => zVAR
| S _ => fun v => v
end v.
Definition consPredExp u w (U: subT u w) ty (hd: PredExp ty) (tl: PredExpList U) : PredExpList (consmap ty U) :=
fun (X: varT (S u)) =>
match X in varT p return forall (U: subT (pred p) w), PredExp ty -> PredExpList U -> PredExp (consmap ty U (varsp X)) with
| zVAR _ => fun U hd tl => hd
| sVAR _ X' => fun U hd tl => tl X'
end U hd tl.
Lemma consPredExp_hd: forall u w (U: subT u w) ty (hd: PredExp ty) (tl: PredExpList U), (consPredExp hd tl) zVAR = hd. auto. Qed.
Lemma consPredExp_tl: forall u w (U: subT u w) ty (hd: PredExp ty) (tl: PredExpList U) X, (consPredExp hd tl) (sVAR X) = tl X. auto. Qed.
Lemma consPredExp_is_CR: forall u w (U: subT u w) ty (hd: PredExp ty) (tl: PredExpList U),
CR hd -> (forall X, CR (tl X)) -> forall X, CR (consPredExp hd tl (X:=X)).
intros. dependent destruction X. rewrite consPredExp_hd. auto. rewrite consPredExp_tl. apply (H0 X).
Lemma REDC: forall u w (U: subT u w) (env:Env w) ty' ty,
(env , subTy [|ty'|] (subTy (subL U) ty)) = (env , subTy (consmap ty' U) ty).
intros. rewrite subTy_ss, consmap_subL, idsub_ss. auto.
Fixpoint RED u (ty: Ty u) w (U: subT u w) (R: PredExpList U) : PredExp (subTy U ty) :=
match ty return PredExp (subTy U ty) with
| TYVAR X => R X
| ARR ty1 ty2 => RC_arrow (RED R) (RED R)
| ALL ty0 => fun env uv e => forall ty' (Q: PredExp ty') C,
CR Q -> RED (ty:=ty0) (consPredExp Q R) uv (<< SExp,PExp # C >> TAPP e ty' : SExp PExp)
Implicit Arguments RED [u w U env].
Ltac RST_fold := fold RED in *; ST_fold.
Lemma SN_TAPP: forall u (env: Env u) ty ty' (e: Exp env (ALL ty)),
SN (TAPP e ty') -> SN e.
intros. set (SN_TAPP_rel := fun (e1:Exp env (ALL ty)) e2 => e2 = TAPP e1 ty').
assert (simulation SN_TAPP_rel).
red; intros. unfold SN_TAPP_rel in H0. subst. unfold SN_TAPP_rel. exists (TAPP d' ty'). split; auto.
apply c_cong_tapp. auto.
eapply (SN_by_simulation H0); [idtac | apply H]. unfold SN_TAPP_rel. auto.
Lemma inv_convert_tapp: forall u (env:Env u) ty ty' (e: Exp env (ALL ty)) e',
neutral e -> TAPP e ty' ~> e' -> exists e'', e ~> e'' /\ e' = TAPP e'' ty'.
inversion + Hsubst works, but "dependent destruction H0" does not work.
inversion H0; Hsubst. contradiction. eexists. split. apply H5. auto.
(** Algorithm to improve "dependent destruction", discussed with Matthieu Sozeau. *) Definition TAPP_proj u (E:Env u) (T:Ty u) (e: Exp E T) : option {u : nat & ({E : Env u & ({T : Ty (S u) & {e : Exp E (ALL T) & Ty u } }) }) } := match e with | TAPP t e t' => Some ({{ _ # u, ({{ _ # E, ({{ _ # t, ({{ _ # e, t' }}) }}) }}) }}) | _ => None end. Lemma TAPP_proj_cong: forall u (E:Env u) (T:Ty u) (e: Exp E T) u' (E':Env u') (T':Ty u') (e': Exp E' T'), {{{ u == u' }}} -> {{{ E == E' }}} -> {{{ T == T' }}} -> {{{ e == e' }}} -> TAPP_proj e = TAPP_proj e'. intros. Hsubst. auto. Qed. Lemma inv_convert_tapp': forall u (env:Env u) ty ty' (e: Exp env (ALL ty)) e', neutral e -> TAPP e ty' ~> e' -> exists e'', e ~> e'' /\ e' = TAPP e'' ty'. intros. dependent destruction H0. apply Heq_JMeq in H1. assert (H3:= TAPP_proj_cong (refl_Heq HId _ _) (refl_Heq HId _ _) (eq_HeqI H0) H1). dependent destruction H3. contradiction. apply Heq_JMeq in H2. discriminate (TAPP_proj_cong (refl_Heq HId _ _) (refl_Heq HId _ _) (eq_HeqI H1) H2). apply Heq_JMeq in H2. discriminate (TAPP_proj_cong (refl_Heq HId _ _) (refl_Heq HId _ _) (eq_HeqI H1) H2). apply Heq_JMeq in H2. assert (H4:= TAPP_proj_cong (refl_Heq HId _ _) (refl_Heq HId _ _) (eq_HeqI H1) H2). dependent destruction H4. eexists. split; [ apply H0 | auto ]. Qed.
Lemma RED_is_CR: forall u (ty: Ty u) w (U: subT u w) (R: PredExpList U),
(forall X, CR (R X)) -> CR (RED ty R).
induction ty.
intros. apply H.
intros. apply RC_arrow_is_CR. apply IHty1; auto. apply IHty2; auto.
red; intros.
apply SN_TAPP with (ALL (TYVAR zVAR)).
simpl in H0. ST_fold. replace_hyp H0 (H0 (ALL (TYVAR zVAR)) (@SNRC _ _) (REDC _ _ _ _) (SNRC_is_CR _)).
unfold CR in IHty; assertD (IHty _ _ _ (consPredExp_is_CR (SNRC_is_CR (ALL (TYVAR zVAR))) H)).
apply H1 in H0.
revert H0. Hsimplc. auto.
do 2 red; intros. RST_fold.
eapply (proj2m(IHty _ _ _ (consPredExp_is_CR H2 H))).
apply (H0 _ Q C H2). Hsimplc.
apply c_cong_tapp. apply H1.
do 2 red; intros. RST_fold. apply (proj2(IHty _ _ _ (consPredExp_is_CR H2 H))).
Hsimplc. simpl. auto.
intros. revert H3. Hset_concl.
Hsimpl. Hrefl (e': SExp PExp) at 1. Helimc C0.
intros. destruct (inv_convert_tapp H0 H3) as [e'' [? ?]]. ST_fold.
apply (eq_Heq SExp PExp) in H5. Hsimpl_hyps. Hrewrite H5. intros.
apply (H1 _ H4). auto.
Lemma RED_Hcong: forall u ty w U R e uv tm ty' U' R' e' uv' tm',
ty = ty' -> U = U' -> {{ SVar,PVar # uv == uv' }} -> {{ SPredExpList,PPredExpList # R == R' }} -> {{ SExp,PExp # tm == tm' }} ->
@RED u ty w U R e uv tm = @RED u ty' w U' R' e' uv' tm'.
intros. Hsubst. auto.
Ltac assert_argtype f :=
let tx := type of f in
match tx with
?X -> _ => assert X
Lemma RED_renaming: forall u v w (V: renT u v) (W: subT v w) (R: PredExpList W) (env: Env w) uv (ty: Ty u)
(e: Exp env (subTy W (subTy (rts V) ty))) (e': Exp env (subTy (W @ss@ (rts V)) ty)),
{{SExp,PExp # e == e'}} -> (RED (subTy (rts V) ty) R uv e <-> RED ty (U:=W @ss@ (rts V)) (fun X => RED (rts V X) R) uv e').
intros until ty. revert v w V W R env uv. induction ty.
intros. simpl in *. Hsubst. intuition.
intros. assert ((env,subTy (W @ss@ rts V) ty1) = (env,subTy W (subTy (rts V) ty1))) by (rewrite subTy_ss; auto). rename H0 into Hc.
simpl in *. split; unfold RC_arrow; intros.
apply (IHty2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (APP e (<< SExp,PExp # Hc >> e'0)) _).
ST_fold. Hsimpl. Hrewritec H. auto.
apply H0. assert ({{SExp,PExp # << SExp,PExp # Hc >> e'0 == e'0 }}) by (Hsimpl; auto).
apply (IHty1 _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ H2). apply H1.
apply (IHty2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (APP e' (<< SExp,PExp # sym_eq Hc>> e'0))).
ST_fold. Hsimpl. Hrewritec <- H. auto.
apply H0. assert ({{SExp,PExp # e'0 == << SExp,PExp # sym_eq Hc >> e'0 }}) by (Hsimpl; auto).
apply (IHty1 _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ H2). apply H1.
intros. simpl in *. RST_fold. split; intros.
replace_hyp IHty (IHty _ _ (renL V) _ (consPredExp Q R) env uv).
assert_argtype (fun H => IHty (<< SExp,PExp # proj1 H >> TAPP e ty' : SExp PExp ) (<< SExp,PExp # proj2 H >> TAPP e' ty' : SExp PExp)).
rewrite ! subTy_ss, ! consmap_subL, ! idsub_ss, ! rts_renL, ! consmap_subL. auto. destruct H2 as [C0 C1].
assert ({{SExp,PExp # << SExp,PExp # C0 >> TAPP e ty' == << SExp,PExp # C1 >> TAPP e' ty' }}).
Hsimpl. Hrewritec H. auto.
erewrite RED_Hcong. apply (proj1 (IHty _ _ H2)). clear H2.
Hsimpl. rewrite rts_renL. intros. apply H0. auto. auto. mapext_destr. auto.
Hsplit. mapext_destr. apply Hfundep; auto. intros. Hsubst. red in a'. dependent destruction a'; auto. Hsimpl. auto.
replace_hyp IHty (IHty _ _ (renL V) _ (consPredExp Q R) env uv).
assert_argtype (fun H => IHty (<< SExp,PExp # proj1 H >> TAPP e ty' : SExp PExp) (<< SExp,PExp # proj2 H >> TAPP e' ty' : SExp PExp)).
rewrite ! subTy_ss, ! consmap_subL, ! idsub_ss, ! rts_renL, ! consmap_subL. auto. destruct H2 as [C0 C1].
assert ({{SExp,PExp # << SExp,PExp # C0 >> TAPP e ty' == << SExp,PExp # C1 >> TAPP e' ty' }}).
Hsimpl. Hrewritec H. auto.
erewrite RED_Hcong. apply (proj2 (IHty _ _ H2)). clear H2.
assert_argtype (fun x => H0 _ Q x). rewrite subTy_ss, consmap_subL, idsub_ss. auto.
erewrite RED_Hcong. apply (H0 _ Q H2 H1). auto. mapext_destr. auto.
Hsplit. mapext_destr. apply Hfundep. auto. intros. Hsubst. red in a'. dependent destruction a'; auto.
Hsimpl. auto. rewrite rts_renL. auto. auto. auto. auto. Hsimpl. auto.
Lemma RED_substitution: forall u v w (V: subT u v) (W: subT v w) (R: PredExpList W)
(env: Env w) uv (ty: Ty u) (e: Exp env (subTy W (subTy V ty))) (e': Exp env (subTy (W @ss@ V) ty)),
{{SExp,PExp # e == e'}} -> (RED (subTy V ty) R uv e <-> RED ty (U:=W @ss@ V) (fun X => RED (V X) R) uv e').
intros until ty. revert v w V W R env uv. induction ty.
intros. simpl in *. Hsubst. intuition.
intros. assert ((env,subTy (W @ss@ V) ty1) = (env,subTy W (subTy V ty1))) by (rewrite subTy_ss; auto). rename H0 into Hc.
simpl in *. split; unfold RC_arrow; intros.
apply (IHty2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (APP e (<< SExp,PExp # Hc >> e'0)) _).
ST_fold. Hsimpl. Hrewritec H. auto.
apply H0. assert ({{SExp,PExp # << SExp,PExp # Hc >> e'0 == e'0 }}) by (Hsimpl; auto).
apply (IHty1 _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ H2). apply H1.
apply (IHty2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (APP e' (<<SExp,PExp # sym_eq Hc>> e'0))).
ST_fold. Hsimpl. Hrewritec <- H. auto.
apply H0. assert ({{SExp,PExp # e'0 == << SExp,PExp # sym_eq Hc >> e'0 }}) by (Hsimpl; auto).
apply (IHty1 _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ H2). apply H1.
intros. simpl in *. RST_fold. split; intros.
replace_hyp IHty (IHty _ _ (subL V) _ (consPredExp Q R) env uv ).
assert_argtype (fun H => IHty (<< SExp,PExp # proj1 H >> TAPP e ty' : SExp PExp) (<< SExp,PExp # proj2 H >> TAPP e' ty' : SExp PExp)).
rewrite ! subTy_ss, ! consmap_subL, ! idsub_ss. auto. destruct H2 as [C0 C1].
assert ({{SExp,PExp # << SExp,PExp # C0 >> TAPP e ty' == << SExp,PExp # C1 >> TAPP e' ty' }}).
Hsimpl. Hrewritec H. auto.
erewrite RED_Hcong. apply (proj1 (IHty _ _ H2)). clear H2.
apply H0. auto. auto. rewrite consmap_subL. auto. auto.
Hsplit. rewrite consmap_subL. auto.
apply Hfundep; auto. intros. Hsubst. red in a'. dependent destruction a'. auto.
rewrite consPredExp_tl. apply sym_Heq.
apply Hfundep; auto; intros; Hsubst.
apply Hfundep; auto; intros; Hsubst.
apply Hfun. simpl. rewrite consmap_subL. auto. simpl. unfold scs, subL. rewrite renTy_def.
intros. red in a'0, a'1, a, a'2. rename a' into var', a'0 into env', a'1 into uv'.
apply eq_Heq. apply iff_implies_eq.
assert (C3:(env', subTy (consmap ty' W) (subTy (rts shren) (V var')))=(env', subTy (consmap ty' W @ss@ rts shren) (V var'))).
rewrite subTy_ss. auto.
eapply iff_trans. apply (@RED_renaming _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (<<SExp,PExp # C3>> a )). Hsimpl. auto.
eapply eq_ind. apply iff_refl. apply RED_Hcong. auto. mapext_destr. auto.
Hsplit. mapext_destr. apply Hfundep. auto. intros. red in a0, a'. Hsubst. dependent destruction a'; auto.
Hsimpl. Hsplit. rewrite subTy_ss, consmap_shsub. auto. auto. Hsimpl. auto.
replace_hyp IHty (IHty _ _ (subL V) _ (consPredExp Q R) env uv ).
assert_argtype (fun H => IHty (<< SExp,PExp # proj1 H >> TAPP e ty' : SExp PExp) (<< SExp,PExp # proj2 H >> TAPP e' ty' : SExp PExp)).
rewrite ! subTy_ss, ! consmap_subL, ! idsub_ss. auto. destruct H2 as [C0 C1].
assert ({{SExp,PExp # << SExp,PExp # C0 >> TAPP e ty' == << SExp,PExp # C1 >> TAPP e' ty' }}).
Hsimpl. Hrewritec H. auto.
erewrite RED_Hcong. apply (proj2 (IHty _ _ H2)). clear H2.
assert_argtype (fun H => H0 ty' Q H). rewrite subTy_ss, consmap_subL, idsub_ss. auto.
erewrite RED_Hcong. apply (H0 ty' Q H2 H1). auto. rewrite consmap_subL. auto. auto.
Hsplit. rewrite consmap_subL. auto. apply Hfundep. auto. intros. Hsubst. red in a'. dependent destruction a'; auto.
rewrite consPredExp_tl. apply sym_Heq.
apply Hfundep; auto; intros; Hsubst.
apply Hfundep; auto; intros; Hsubst.
apply Hfun. simpl. rewrite consmap_subL. auto. simpl. unfold scs, subL. rewrite renTy_def.
intros. red in a'0, a'1, a, a'2. rename a' into var', a'0 into env', a'1 into uv'.
apply eq_Heq. apply iff_implies_eq.
assert ((env', subTy (consmap ty' W) (subTy shsub (V var')))=(env', subTy (consmap ty' W @ss@ rts shren) (V var')))
by (rewrite subTy_ss; auto).
apply iff_sym. eapply iff_trans. apply (@RED_renaming _ _ _ shren _ (consPredExp Q R) _ _ _ _ (<<SExp,PExp # H3>> a'2 )). Hsimpl. auto.
eapply eq_ind. apply iff_refl. apply RED_Hcong. auto. mapext_destr. auto.
Hsplit. mapext_destr. apply Hfundep. auto. intros. red in a0, a'. Hsubst. dependent destruction a'; auto.
Hsimpl. Hsplit. rewrite subTy_ss, consmap_shsub. auto. apply sym_Heq. auto. Hsimpl. auto.
auto. auto. auto. auto. Hsimpl. auto.
Lemma RED_LAM: forall u v (W: subT u v) (R: PredExpList W) (env: Env v) uv ty1 ty2 (tm: Exp (subTy W ty1::env) (subTy W ty2)),
(forall X, CR (R X)) -> (forall tm', RED ty1 R uv tm' -> RED ty2 R uv (SubExp {|tm'|} tm)) -> RED (ty1--->ty2) R uv (LAM tm).
intros. simpl. unfold RC_arrow; intros.
assertD (proj1(RED_is_CR _ H) _ uv _ H1).
assertD (SN_subst (proj1(RED_is_CR _ H) _ uv _ (H0 _ H1))).
induction H3. induction H2.
eapply (proj3(RED_is_CR _ H)). simpl. auto.
intros. inversion H6; Hsubst. apply H0. auto.
inversion H11; Hsubst.
apply H4. auto. intros. eapply (proj2m(RED_is_CR _ H)). apply H0. apply H7. apply convert_subst. auto.
apply H5. auto. eapply (proj2m(RED_is_CR _ H)). apply H1. auto.
intros. eapply (proj2m(RED_is_CR _ H)). apply H4. apply H7. apply H8. apply c_cong_app_2. auto.
Lemma REDC2: forall u v (env: Env v) (W:subT u v) ty ty',
(env, subTy [|ty'|] (subTy (subL W) ty)) = (env, (subTy (consmap ty' W) ty)).
intros. rewrite subTy_ss. rewrite consmap_subL. rewrite idsub_ss. auto.
Implicit Arguments REDC2 [[u] [v] [env] [W] [ty] [ty']].
Lemma RED_TABS: forall u v (W: subT u v) (R: PredExpList W) env (uv:UnivVar env) ty (tm: Exp (subE shsub env) (subTy (subL W) ty)),
(forall X, CR (R X)) ->
(forall ty' (Q: PredExp ty'),
CR Q -> RED ty (consPredExp Q R) (subVar _ (subVar _ uv)) (<< SExp,PExp # REDC2 >> subExp [|ty'|] tm)) ->
RED (ALL ty) R uv (TABS tm).
assertD (proj1 (RED_is_CR ty (consPredExp_is_CR (SNRC_is_CR _) H)) _ _ _ (H0 _ _ (SNRC_is_CR (ALL (TYVAR zVAR))))).
revert H1. Hsimplc. intros.
assert (H2:= SN_sub H1); clear H1.
revert H0. induction H2; intros.
unfold RED; fold RED subTy; intros.
apply (proj3(RED_is_CR ty (consPredExp_is_CR H3 H))).
Hsimplc. simpl; auto.
intros. revert H4. Hsimpl. Hrefl (e':SExp PExp) at 1.
Helimc C0. intros.
inversion H4; Hsubst.
apply (eq_Heq SExp PExp) in H17. Hsimpl_hyps.
erewrite RED_Hcong. apply (H2 _ Q H3).
auto. auto. rewrite (Hrw (subVar_ss _ _ _)); Hsimpl. apply sym_Heq, subVar_idsub. auto. Hsimpl. apply sym_Heq, H17.
inversion H9; Hsubst.
assert (RED (ALL ty) R uv (TABS e'1)).
apply (H1 _ H10).
intros. assertD (H2 _ Q0 H5).
eapply (proj2m (RED_is_CR ty (consPredExp_is_CR H5 H))). apply H6.
apply convert_sub. auto.
red in H5. RST_fold. eapply eq_ind. apply (H5 _ Q REDC2 H3).
apply (Heq_eq SExp PExp). rewrite H16. Hsimpl. auto.
Lemma REDC3: forall u v (W: subT u v) (env: Env v) (ty: Ty (S u)) (ty': Ty u),
(env, subTy [|subTy W ty'|] (subTy (subL W) ty)) = (env, subTy W (subTy [|ty'|] ty)).
intros. repeat rewrite subTy_ss. rewrite sub_singsub. auto.
Lemma RED_TAPP: forall u v (W: subT u v) (R: PredExpList W) env ty (tm: Exp env (subTy W (ALL ty))) ty' uv,
(forall X, CR (R X)) ->
RED (ALL ty) R uv tm -> RED (subTy [|ty'|] ty) R uv (<< SExp,PExp # REDC3 _ _ _ _ >> TAPP tm (subTy W ty')).
intros. unfold RED in H0; RST_fold.
replace_hyp H0 (H0 _ (RED ty' R) (REDC _ _ _ _) (RED_is_CR _ H)).
assert ((env, (subTy [|subTy W ty'|] (subTy (subL W) ty)))=(env, (subTy (W @ss@ [|ty'|]) ty))) by (rewrite subTy_ss, sub_singsub; auto).
apply (@RED_substitution _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (<< SExp,PExp # H1 >> TAPP tm (subTy W ty'))). Hsimpl. auto.
erewrite RED_Hcong. apply H0. auto. auto. rewrite sub_singsub, consmap_subL, idsub_ss. auto. auto.
Hsplit. rewrite sub_singsub, consmap_subL, idsub_ss. auto.
apply Hfundep; auto. intros. Hsubst. apply Hfundep; auto. intros. Hsubst.
red in a'. dependent destruction a'.
rewrite consPredExp_hd. auto.
rewrite consPredExp_tl. auto.
Hsimpl. auto.
Theorem Fundamental: forall u (env: Env u) ty (tm: Exp env ty) v (W: subT u v) (R: PredExpList W) env' (uv:UnivVar _) (sub: SubT _ (subE W env')),
(forall X, CR (R X)) -> (forall t (var: VarT env t), RED t R (subVar _ uv) (sub _ (subVar W var)))
-> RED ty R (subVar _ uv) (SubExp sub (subExp W tm)).
induction tm; intros.
simpl. apply H0.
simpl subExp. simpl SubExp. RST_fold. apply RED_LAM. apply H.
intros. rewrite SubExp_SS, consMap_SubL, idSub_SS. apply IHtm. auto.
intros. dependent destruction var. simpl. auto. simpl. auto.
simpl subExp. simpl SubExp.
assert (RED _ R (subVar _ uv) (SubExp sub (subExp W tm1))). apply IHtm1; auto.
assert (RED _ R (subVar _ uv) (SubExp sub (subExp W tm2))). apply IHtm2; auto.
apply H1. RST_fold. apply H2.
simpl subExp. simpl SubExp. apply RED_TABS. auto.
intros. rewrite subExp_SubExp. RST_fold. Hrewrite (subSub_ss [|ty'|] shsub sub). Hsimpl.
rewrite ! consmap_shsub. Hrewrite (subSub_idsub sub). Hsimpl. Helimc C0.
Hrewritec (subExp_ss [|ty'|] (subL W) tm). rewrite consmap_subL, idsub_ss. Hclear.
assert (C: (subE W E, subE W env') = (subE (consmap ty' W) (subE shsub E), subE (consmap ty' W) (subE shsub env'))).
repeat rewrite subE_ss. rewrite consmap_shsub. auto. intros.
erewrite RED_Hcong.
apply (IHtm _ _ (consPredExp Q R) _ (subVar _ uv) (<< SSub,PSub # C >> sub) (consPredExp_is_CR H1 H)).
intros. destruct (Var_inv var) as [t' [var' [? ?]]]. Hsubst.
assert (C1: (subE W env', subTy W t')=(subE (consmap ty' W) (subE shsub env'), subTy (consmap ty' W @ss@ shsub) t')).
rewrite subE_ss, consmap_shsub. auto.
apply (@RED_substitution _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (<< SExp,PExp # C1 >> sub _ (subVar W var'))).
Hrewritec (subVar_ss (consmap ty' W) shsub var'). Helimc. rewrite ! consmap_shsub. Hclear. auto.
erewrite RED_Hcong. apply (H0 _ var').
auto. rewrite consmap_shsub. auto.
Hrewritec (subVar_ss (consmap ty' W) shsub uv). rewrite consmap_shsub. auto.
Hsplit. rewrite consmap_shsub. auto.
apply Hfundep; auto. intros. Hsubst. red in a'. rewrite <- (consPredExp_tl Q R). auto.
Hsimpl. auto. auto. auto.
Hrewritec (subVar_ss shsub W uv).
rewrite (Hrw (subVar_ss [|ty'|] _ uv)), (Hrw (subVar_ss _ shsub uv)). Hsimpl.
rewrite <- sss_assoc, ! consmap_shsub, idsub_ss. auto.
auto. Hsimpl. Helim. Helim C2. Hunify. auto.
simpl subExp. Hrewrite (SubExp_subExp_TAPP tm t' sub). RST_fold.
intros. Hchange C with (REDC3 W (subE W env') t t'). apply RED_TAPP. auto.
apply IHtm. auto. auto.
Corollary StrongNormalization: forall u (env: Env u) ty (tm: Exp env ty), SN tm.
intros. eapply SN_subst. instantiate (1:= shSub (ALL (TYVAR zVAR))).
assert (RED _ (U:=idsub) (fun X => @SNRC u (TYVAR X)) (ZVAR _ _) (subExp idsub (SubExp (shSub (ALL (TYVAR zVAR))) tm))).
RST_fold. erewrite RED_Hcong.
apply (@Fundamental _ _ _ (SubExp (shSub (ALL (TYVAR zVAR))) tm) u
idsub (fun X => @SNRC _ (TYVAR X)) _ (ZVAR _ _) idSub (fun X => SNRC_is_CR (TYVAR X))).
intros. apply CR4. apply RED_is_CR. intro; apply SNRC_is_CR. simpl. auto. simpl. auto. do 2 red; intros; inversion H.
auto. auto. auto. auto.
rewrite subExp_SubExp, SubExp_SS, idSub_SS. auto.
replace_hyp H (proj1(@RED_is_CR _ _ _ idsub _ (fun X => SNRC_is_CR (TYVAR X))) _ _ _ H).
apply (SN_sub (s:= idsub)). auto.